1907-1999 (FRANCE)
Painter, sculptor, filmmaker and performer, Chomo (Roger Chomeaux) was a multi-disciplinary art school alumni who withdrew from cultural society to build an organic art environment in the woods outside Paris. As his prolific experimentation blossomed, so he forefully rejected all attempts to objectify or commercialise his lifelong search for truth.
Although formally trained, the artist renounced art society and secluded himself and his practice in a cabin in the woods. Visitors were regularly denied access so that this self-mythologising master could continue his practice of making, doing and being. Chomo's oeuvre includes burnt-wood sculptures, paintings of a Philip K Dick-ian parallelism and artificial stone sculptures that seem to imply a futurist archaeology.
Spontaneous alternatives, Colin Rhodes (Thames & Hudson) 2000
Raw Creation, John Maizels (Phaidon) 2000
Chomo, Halle Saint-Pierre (Paris) 2009